5 Signs Your Business Needs a Blog Makeover

5 min read
Blog makeover by BlogJoy

Is your business blog falling short? Here are 5 red flags that signal it's time for an overhaul:

  1. Outdated design
  2. Poor user experience
  3. Not mobile-friendly
  4. Low search rankings
  5. Old or irrelevant content

Why does this matter? A fresh, engaging blog:

  • Keeps visitors on your site longer
  • Boosts your search engine rankings
  • Converts readers into potential customers
  • Showcases your expertise

Let's break down each sign and how to fix it:

Old design Visitors leave, trust drops Update to a clean, modern layout
Hard to use Users can't find info Simplify navigation, improve load times
Not mobile-friendly Mobile users struggle Optimize for all devices
Low search rankings Invisible on Google Improve SEO, create quality content
Outdated content Irrelevant or old posts Refresh or remove old content, plan future posts

By addressing these issues, you'll transform your blog into a powerful business tool that engages readers and drives growth.

Are blog posts the best SEO strategy today? From Neil Patel.

Old-Looking Design

Your blog's design is your digital storefront. An outdated look? It's like having cobwebs in your window display.

Here's why old designs are bad news:

Visitors Bail: 42% of people leave websites because they work poorly. 38% bounce due to ugly layouts. That's a lot of lost readers (and customers).

Trust Takes a Hit: Would you trust a business stuck in the 90s? Neither will your visitors.

Old Elements Hurt You: Some outdated design trends actually harm your blog:

  • Carousel Sliders: They look cool, but they're useless. Click-through rates? Less than 0.1%.
  • Overused Effects: Remember those shiny 3D buttons? Yeah, don't use those.

"The bevel and emboss tool should stay in Photoshop's tool graveyard."

Donny Wilson, IMPACT graphic designer

Do This Instead:

  1. Keep it clean and simple
  2. Use one powerful hero image
  3. Create contrast for important text (skip the fancy effects)
  4. Stay current with design trends

2. Hard to Use

Is your blog a maze? If visitors can't find what they're looking for, they'll leave. Fast.

A hard-to-use blog is killing your business. Here's why:

  • 88% of online consumers won't come back after a bad experience. That's a lot of lost customers.
  • Users give up if they can't find something in 10 seconds. Your blog should be easy, not a puzzle.
  • Google cares about user experience. A confusing blog? Lower rankings.

How to spot usability issues:

  1. Confusing Navigation: More than 3 clicks to find info? Problem.
  2. Slow Load Times: Over 3 seconds? You're losing half your visitors.
  3. Broken Links: 404 errors scream "neglect".
  4. Poor Search Function: If users can't find content, it might as well not exist.
Complex menus Users leave Use 5-7 main categories
Slow pages 40% leave after 3 seconds Optimize images, use caching
No clear CTA Fewer conversions Add action buttons
Cluttered layout Information overload Use white space, focus on key points

Bottom line: A user-friendly blog isn't just nice. It's CRUCIAL for keeping readers (and customers) around.

3. Not Mobile-Friendly

Is your blog a mobile nightmare? You might be losing half your audience.

Here's the scoop: 58.21% of global internet traffic is mobile. In the US? 43.09%. That's a ton of people scrolling on phones.

But it gets worse:

  • 61% are more likely to buy from mobile-friendly sites
  • 52% of PPC actions happen on mobile
  • 66% of emails are read on smartphones or tablets

If your blog isn't mobile-friendly, you're not just annoying readers. You're losing cash.

How to check your blog's mobile-friendliness:

  1. Use 
  2. Check your site on different devices
  3. Look at your 

Common mobile issues:

Tiny text Users bail
Horizontal scrolling Readers get frustrated
Slow load times 40% leave after 3 seconds
Unplayable videos Missing content

Fix these, and you'll keep mobile users on your site.

Bottom line: A mobile-friendly blog isn't optional. It's crucial for your business.

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4. Low Search Rankings

Is your blog invisible on Google? You're missing out on a goldmine of traffic.

Here's the deal: If your blog's not showing up in search results, it needs a serious overhaul.

Why? Organic search traffic is pure gold. It's free, targeted, and can skyrocket your business growth.

But here's the kicker: Climbing to Google's top spots is no walk in the park. It's a grind.

What's keeping you down? Usually, it's:

  • Fierce competition
  • Sloppy on-page SEO
  • Thin content
  • Lack of quality links

Let's dive in:

1. Competition

The more crowded the keyword battlefield, the tougher it is to stand out.

2. On-page SEO

This is your content's backbone. We're talking:

  • Title tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Keyword usage

Mess these up, and Google's left in the dark about your content.

3. Thin content

Google's got a big appetite. How big? SerpIQ found top-ranked pages for competitive keywords often pack more than 2,000 words.

4. Link building

Think of links as trust signals. More quality links = more Google trust.

So, how do you climb those rankings?

1 Check your current rankings (SERPs.comis handy)
2 Spy on competitors (tryMoz,Majestic, orAhrefs)
3 Tighten up your on-page SEO
4 Bulk up your content
5 Score quality, relevant links

Here's the truth: SEO isn't a quick fix. It's a marathon, not a sprint. But the payoff? It can be massive.

Bottom line: A blog that's MIA in search results isn't just a traffic problem. It's a business problem. Fix it, and you'll unlock a whole new growth channel.

5. Old or Unrelated Content

Is your blog stuck in a time warp? Or worse, a jumble of random topics? It's time for a cleanup.

Outdated or off-topic content isn't just useless - it's harmful. It can hurt your SEO and send visitors running.

Here's the breakdown:

Outdated Content

Old content is like expired milk. It:

  • Gives visitors outdated info
  • Can hurt your SEO
  • Makes your site look neglected

Off-Topic Content

Posting about random topics isn't a smart move. It:

  • Confuses your audience
  • Dilutes your brand message
  • Can hurt your SEO

How to fix it:

1 Audit your content Find what needs updating or removing
2 Update top performers Start with high-traffic posts
3 Remove irrelevant content Keep your blog focused
4 Create a content calendar Plan future posts
5 Set up regular reviews Keep content fresh

Quality beats quantity. Fewer, high-quality, relevant posts trump a ton of outdated or random content.

"If you're a company who recovers corrupted software you shouldn't be writing blog posts about the NHL All-Star Skills Competition."

JC Ruiz, Content Expert


Is your blog crying out for a refresh? Let's recap the 5 telltale signs:

  1. Your design looks like it's from another era
  2. Visitors get lost trying to navigate your site
  3. Mobile users can't read your content without zooming
  4. You're invisible in search results
  5. Your posts are gathering dust or miss the mark

Why bother keeping your blog current? It's a no-brainer:

  • Happy readers stick around longer
  • Search engines love fresh content
  • Your blog is your brand's digital face

Here's a quick guide on blog maintenance:

Content Every 1-2 weeks
Design Every 1-2 years
SEO Monthly
Mobile-friendliness Quarterly

Don't let your blog become a digital dinosaur. Keep it fresh, relevant, and user-friendly to stay ahead of the game.