AI vs. Human Writers: Pros and Cons for Blogs

13 min read
Ai Vs Human writers, which is better?

AI writing tools are shaking up the blogging world. Here's what you need to know:

  • AI writers are fast and cheap, but lack creativity and human touch
  • Human writers bring originality and emotional depth, but are slower and pricier
  • The future likely involves AI and humans working together

Quick comparison:

Speed Minutes Hours
Cost From $29/month ~$49,000/year
Creativity Limited High
Consistency High Varies
Fact-checking Poor Reliable
Originality Low High
Audience connection Weak Strong

This article breaks down the pros and cons of AI and human writers for blogs, helping you decide what's best for your content needs.

Human Vs Ai, who wrote it best?

What Are AI Writers?

AI writers are smart software that creates content. They use big data to write like humans.

How AI Writing Tools Work

These tools use fancy tech like NLP and machine learning. They learn from tons of data to make text that sounds human.

Take ChatGPT. It's an AI writer that uses something called GPT. It learned by getting feedback from people.

What AI Can Do for Blogs

AI can help bloggers in a bunch of ways:

  • Come up with blog ideas
  • Write rough drafts
  • Make catchy titles
  • Sum up main points
  • Check the writing style

Here's a quick look at what AI can do:

Topic Ideas Gives you blog topics based on keywords
First Drafts Writes rough intros and conclusions
Titles Suggests catchy titles for your blog
Summaries Boils down long posts into key points
SEO Help Some AI tools can make your content more searchable

But remember, AI isn't perfect. As one expert says:

"Do your homework before using AI to write. You'll need to fix mistakes and make it flow better."

Some popular AI writing tools are ChatGPT, Writesonic, Jasper, CopyAI, and Frase. They can speed up your writing, but they're helpers, not replacements.

How Humans Write

Human writers bring something special to blog content. Let's see what makes their writing stand out.

Human Creativity in Writing

Human writers add their own flavor to blog posts. They use:

  • Personal stories
  • Unique views
  • Original ideas
  • Fresh takes on topics

This creativity helps blogs connect with readers. A writer might share how they beat writer's block, offering tips that worked for them.

Neil Patel, a top blogger, says:

"Most people fall asleep reading blog posts because they're boring. Using 'You' and 'I' makes it more like a chat than a lecture."

To sound more human, writers often:

  • Use "you" and "I" for a chatty feel
  • End posts with questions to get comments
  • Use sub-headings for easy reading
  • Keep paragraphs short (3-5 lines max)

Understanding Readers

Human writers are great at connecting with their audience. They can:

  • Match their language to readers
  • Use examples people get
  • Link content to current events
  • Add humor and pop culture references

This helps human-written blogs build trust. Writers can create content that speaks to what readers care about.

Human writers also bring their own know-how to their work. They can:

  • Share what they've learned firsthand
  • Talk to experts for unique insights
  • Give their own takes on industry topics

This adds depth to blog content and helps establish thought leadership.

Personal stories Connects with readers
Unique views Offers fresh insights
Adaptability Keeps content current
Expertise Adds depth and credibility

Human writers can also use different ways to come up with blog ideas:

1. Evolution: Building on existing ideas

2. Reapplication: Looking at old ideas in new ways

3. Synthesis: Mixing multiple ideas into something new

4. Revolution: Creating totally new concepts

Benefits of AI Writers for Blogs

AI writers are changing the game for bloggers and businesses. Here's why:

They're Fast

AI can pump out content at lightning speed. We're talking a 500-word article in minutes, not hours. This means:

  • You can post more often
  • You can jump on hot topics quickly
  • You free up time for other stuff

They're Cheap

AI writers won't break the bank. Think about it:

  • No salaries
  • No benefits
  • Just a small subscription fee (usually $10-$20 per post)

You can cut back on your writing team and still get the job done.

They're Consistent

Write Fast Very Fast
Stay Consistent Super Consistent
Keep Costs Down Very Low Cost

But that's not all. AI tools can also:

  • Do keyword research
  • Optimize for SEO
  • Come up with content ideas

These perks can boost your blog traffic big time. Don't believe me? Check this out:

"We grew to 100k/mo visitors in 10 months with AIContentfy"

AIContentfy's Founder

Now, don't get too excited. AI isn't perfect. You'll still need to edit and fact-check. But for cranking out content quickly and cheaply? AI writers are hard to beat.

Drawbacks of AI Writers for Blogs

AI writers are fast and cheap. But they're not perfect. Here's why bloggers should think twice before relying on them:

They're Not Creative

AI writers can't come up with new ideas. They just remix old stuff. This leads to:

  • Boring, repetitive content
  • No fresh takes
  • Trouble with new or niche topics

For example, Jasper AI wrote about a new crypto trend. The result? Generic content that missed the mark. Bounce rates were 50% higher than human-written articles on the same topic.

Creativity Very limited
Context understanding Basic at best
Emotional intelligence Almost none
Originality Poor
Nuanced writing Major struggles

AI writers also struggle with:

  • Emotion: They can't capture personal experiences or perspectives.
  • Context: They get confused by complex themes, leading to awkward content.
  • Errors: Their programming can cause mistakes humans wouldn't make.

In March 2023, a tech blog used AI to write about a new smartphone. The post missed key emotional points and user experience factors. Result? Engagement dropped 30% compared to their human-written posts.

Google's August 2022 update aimed to punish content made just for search rankings (often AI-generated). This shows how important human insight is for content creation.

If you use AI writers, remember to:

  1. Use them as a starting point, not the final product
  2. Have humans review and improve the AI content
  3. Mix AI efficiency with human creativity for best results

Benefits of Human Writers for Blogs

Human writers bring a lot to blogs. Here's why they're often the better choice:

Deep Research and Knowledge

Human writers dig deep. They:

  • Read widely and connect ideas
  • Talk to experts for fresh insights
  • Understand complex issues

This leads to richer, more accurate content.

In 2022, The New York Times published a climate change series. Their writers spent months researching, interviewing experts, and visiting affected areas. The result? A detailed, nuanced look at a complex issue that AI couldn't match.

Human writers also catch subtle errors. In 2021, Reuters found AI-written financial reports had a 10% higher error rate than human-written ones.

Emotional Intelligence

Humans get emotions. They:

  • Write with empathy
  • Adjust tone for different readers
  • Handle sensitive topics carefully

This matters for blogs. Readers connect with content that feels human.

Take "Humans of New York". Its success comes from capturing real human stories with empathy and nuance. An AI couldn't replicate this emotional depth.

Creativity and Originality

Human writers come up with new ideas. They:

  • Spot trends before they're mainstream
  • Create unique angles on common topics
  • Write in ways that surprise readers

This keeps blogs fresh and interesting.

"Wait But Why" gained millions of readers by explaining complex topics with stick figure drawings. This creative approach set it apart in a crowded field.

Human Writer Pros

Research In-depth, original research
Creativity Generate truly new ideas
Emotional Intelligence Write with empathy and nuance
Adaptability Quickly adjust to new trends
Cultural Understanding Navigate complex cultural contexts
Originality Produce unique content

Human writers aren't perfect. They're slower than AI and cost more. But for blogs that want to stand out, connect with readers, and tackle complex topics, human writers often deliver better results.

The very best of both worlds, AI and Human writers working together.
The very best of both worlds, AI and Human writers working together.

Drawbacks of Human Writers for Blogs

Human writers have their strengths, but they come with some downsides too:

Slower Writing Process

Human writers take longer to create content than AI tools. Why?

  • They need time to research, write, and edit
  • Multiple drafts and revisions are common
  • Proofreading and fact-checking add extra time

A Content Marketing Institute study found it takes about 4 hours for a human to write a 500-word blog post. AI tools? They can spit out a draft in minutes.

Higher Costs

Hiring humans to write is often pricier than using AI tools:

  • Good writers charge more for their skills
  • You're paying for more hours of work
  • In-house writers come with extra costs like benefits and office space

PayScale says the average US content writer salary is around $49,000 per year. That's not including extras like benefits or taxes. Many AI writing tools? They start at about $29 a month for unlimited content.

Scalability Challenges

It's harder to scale up content production with human writers:

  • There's a limit to how much one person can write
  • Hiring and training new writers takes time
  • More writers can mean less consistent content

Here's a quick comparison:

Speed Slower (hours to days per piece)
Cost Higher ($49,000/year average salary)
Scalability Limited by individual capacity
Consistency Can vary between writers

These drawbacks don't mean human writers aren't valuable. It's about weighing the pros and cons for your specific blog needs.

AI vs. Human Writers: Side-by-Side

Let's compare AI and human writers for blogs:

Writing Speed 4 hours for 500 words Minutes for 500 words
Cost $49,000/year average salary From $29/month for unlimited content
Creativity High Moderate
Consistency Varies High
Fact-checking Reliable Limited reliability
SEO Optimization Expert-level Effective but may overuse keywords
Originality High Limited
Audience Connection Strong Weak

This table shows key differences between AI and human writers. Let's break it down:

Speed and Cost

AI writers are FAST and CHEAP. They pump out content in minutes, while humans take hours. The Content Marketing Institute says humans need about 4 hours for a 500-word blog post. AI? Minutes.

Money-wise, AI tools start at $29/month for unlimited content. Human writers? They cost around $49,000 a year in the US (according to PayScale).

Quality and Creativity

Here's where humans shine. They bring fresh ideas and connect with readers on a deeper level. AI is quick, but it lacks that human touch.

"Human writers bring personal touch and emotional intelligence to their writing. AI can't match that", says a recent study on AI vs. human writing.

Consistency and Reliability

AI doesn't have "off days." It's consistent. But it can mess up facts. Humans? They're less consistent but better at fact-checking and deep research.

SEO and Audience Engagement

Both can do SEO, but differently. AI is good with keywords (sometimes too good). Humans get the nuances of SEO and create more engaging content.

Fun fact: 42% of businesses use AI for web copy, and 33% are thinking about it. AI's growing, but human writers are still in demand.

Using Both AI and Humans Together

AI writing tools can speed up blog content creation. Here's how to mix AI and human skills for better blogging:

AI as a Helper Tool

AI can help human writers in a few key ways:

  • Quick research
  • Idea generation
  • First drafts
  • SEO optimization

Tips for Working Together

To get the most out of AI writing tools:

1. Use AI for brainstorming

Stuck? Ask AI for topic ideas or outlines.

2. Refine AI-generated content

Edit AI drafts. Aim for a 50/50 mix of AI and human input.

3. Give clear prompts

Be specific with AI. For example:

"Write a 100-word intro on AI benefits in content marketing" "List 5 tips for using AI writing tools effectively"

4. Play to human strengths

Let AI handle data. Humans add creativity and personal touch.

5. Always fact-check

Don't trust AI blindly. Verify all information.

Research Gather data Analyze findings
Ideas Suggest topics Choose and refine
Writing Draft content Edit and polish
SEO Optimize keywords Ensure natural flow
Fact-checking Nothing Check everything

Choosing Between AI and Human Writers

Picking between AI and human writers for your blog? Let's break it down:

Content Needs and Difficulty

The type of content you need is key:

  • AI shines with simple, fact-based stuff. Think product descriptions or basic how-tos.
  • Humans excel at complex, nuanced topics. They're your go-to for deep dives, opinions, or anything needing emotional smarts.

Here's a quick breakdown:

News updates AI Quick, just-the-facts reporting
Technical guides Human Know-how and clear explanations
Brand stories Human Connecting on an emotional level
Data reports AI + Human AI crunches numbers, humans add insights

Money and Resources

Your budget matters too:

  • Tight budget, need lots of content? AI might be your answer. Picture a small online store needing tons of product descriptions.
  • Got cash for skilled writers? Humans often create better, more engaging content.

Let's compare:

Cost Less More
Speed Faster Slower
Quality check Needs human eyes Built-in
Scaling up Easy Limited

"AI writing tools can churn out content fast and in multiple languages. Great for businesses needing a lot of content quickly."

Bottom line? Match your choice to your needs and budget. Sometimes, a mix of both works best.

What's Next for AI and Human Writing

AI is shaking up the writing world. Here's what's coming:

AI's Growing Role

AI might create 90% of online content by 2025. It's already happening:

  • CNET
  • AI chatbots could handle 85% of customer chats by 2025

But human writers aren't going extinct. Their jobs will evolve.

New Jobs, New Skills

As AI takes over simple tasks, human writers will focus on:

  • Content strategy
  • Creative storytelling
  • Data analysis
  • AI tool management

Writers who team up with AI will have an edge. Greg Brockman, OpenAI Co-founder, says:

"This technology can already do all sorts of things that companies currently need humans to do. Even if this tech doesn't take over your entire job, it might very well change it."

Greg Brockman, OpenAI Co-founder

AI and Humans: A Team Effort

The future is AI and humans working together:

First draft Write quickly Edit and improve
Research Gather data Analyze and interpret
Ideas Generate options Choose the best ones
Proofreading Catch basic errors Ensure tone and style

What This Means for Blogs

For bloggers, these changes bring new opportunities:

  1. Faster content creation
  2. More time for strategy
  3. Learning new AI tools
  4. Adding unique, human touches

Getting Ready

To stay ahead, writers and bloggers should:

  1. Learn about AI writing tools
  2. Use AI to help with tasks
  3. Focus on skills AI can't match (yet)
  4. Keep up with AI writing trends

The writing world is changing fast. By teaming up with AI, human writers can create better content than ever.


AI vs. human writers for blogs? It's not about picking sides. It's about finding the sweet spot where both shine.

AI is fast and data-hungry. It can pump out basic articles and crunch numbers like nobody's business. Take the Associated Press - they use AI for quick racing and earnings reports, freeing up their human journalists for meatier stories.

But humans? We've got the secret sauce of creativity, emotion, and nuance. We're the masters of storytelling and adapting on the fly.

The future of blogging? It's all about teamwork. Here's how AI and humans can tag-team:

First draft Spit out basic content Add the good stuff
Research Gather data at lightning speed Make sense of it all
Editing Catch those pesky typos Make it sound human
SEO Suggest keywords Write for real people

So, what's next for writers and bloggers?

1. Get cozy with AI tools

2. Level up skills AI can't touch

3. Keep an eye on AI writing trends